Since its launch in 2015, InDyNet is a network of scientists studying temporal changes in biological invasions and their impacts. Most current members are from Europe, but we also have members from North America and other continents. Anyone interested in joining InDyNet is very welcome to check out this website and get in touch.
Steering Committee
- Jonathan Jeschke (InDyNet Founder), Berlin, Germany
- Florian Ruland (InDyNet Founder), Berlin, Germany
- Franz Essl, Vienna, Austria
- Tina Heger, Berlin, Germany
- Ivan Jarić, Paris, France
- Aileen Mill, Newcastle, UK
- Hanno Seebens, Gießen, Germany
- Menja von Schmalensee, Stykkishólmur, Iceland
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG; JE 288/8-1)